It’s just begun

This year it seems father christmas had not enough time to deliver all the presents, so Al Qaeda had to help him out. Perfectly created, and in time for opening the presents, an islamic terrorist made his way from Nigeria to the Netherlands further to Detroit. But because of the not so working fuze the bomb didn’t detonate.

This was lucky and I’m glad nothing worse happened, than people being shocked and afraid, but well and alive.

This doesn’t change anything in regard of the questions that have risen inside.

So, a few thoughts on this event.

Thing no.1:

The terrorist’s father had informed the american intelligence about his son becoming more and more extremist when it came to religion and the west. Why didn’t they warn the airports? Why wasn’t he on the list of banned people, who are not allowed to get on a plane?

Thing no.2:

What about the eyewitness, who stated that he saw and heard that the terrorist had no passport. But with the help of another person who claimed that he had to be on the flight and had no passport because he was a refugee, the terrorist somehow got on the flight and into the plane. How come?

Thing no.3:

The man was already known to the intelligence, even before his father informed them about him. He could very easily be found in the terrorist database of american intelligence.

Thing no.4:

Why was he alone? He wasn’t instructed to take over the plane, but one person with explosives sewn into his y-fronts… Comparing it to 9/11, where seemingly 19 persons were needed for 5 planes, well, seems a bit odd, doesn’t it? But we know the ‘scary lonely stranger’ phenomenon, don’t we.

But let’s get to the present section of this event. Yes, to the american and the global governments it was a nice christmas present. Why? Well, if it wasn’t for this event, martial law would have ended on the 31. of december and the world wouldn’t bother about body scanning, as well. Furthermore, because the intelligence could reconstruct the events so very well and precisely, they know, that now Yemen has to be invaded. And Iran, of course.

I wonder which comes first and what lies they will present to cover it all up. Not counting the staged event of Detroit. This was just a means to an end, no more no less. The level of fear has to have stability and continuity, without which, people would be able to wake up and realize what shite is going on.

So we see, the new year brought us our fair share of totalitarian tiptoe in christmas pants, more wars and therefore more money to the arms industry, and a loss of personal control wearing a little christmas bobble hat and it all really did come through the chimney, at least.

UPDATE 12/08/2009:Young, beautiful – and very, very angry!

UPDATE: The violence rages on. The police brutality against citizens and demonstrators is outrages. Now, they even have policemen disguised as civilians, working together with the police, kicking and hitting demonstrators and even passers-by. My solidarity to all demonstrators. Please do not stop reporting. The world needs to see more than this propaganda on TV!! For more information, videos and photos please see this link.

One year ago the greek police shot a 15-year-old boy. What happened after that has become history – at least for some people. It had and still has influence on their daily lives, because since then, nothing seems to have changed. Even though their new president made many promises of which none has come true.

I’m of course talking about the riots in Greece, which took place a year ago and which were connected to great violence from every side. Police as well as demonstrators.

Since then we’ve heard a lot and often about Greece again. And so it is today.

The cities are burning, the country where democracy was born, has become a state of angry, young people, having and seeing no future, if the system goes on working like it is.

I’m against violence, because there is nothing that justifies it. But though I understand why it is used by some demonstrators. What to do in a country you have no perspective? Especially when you’re young and want to reach something? When your whole life is over before it has begun? When there is no chance to get a job, to have a health insurance, to build a home even to get your scratch of education?

This is of course a very dark way to put it, but nevertheless, from what I’ve heard and read, many people feel like that.

Thousands of people got to the streets and were demonstrating peaceful. It seems as if the police has orders to detain as many people as possible. The problem is, that only a fraction of what happens is shown and reported in the media, most of it shows the violence of the demonstrators and silences the fact that the police has its part in it as well.

Why, for example, are policemen allowed to overrun demonstrators by motorcycle? Whatever violence the demonstrators use – the force with wich the police reacts is more than is allowed, more than what should be possible and it should be stopped. It seems to me that the rage becomes publicly shown hate which justifies every step taken and manifests in killing and detaining demonstrators.

Please follow this link, to get more information from the activists point of view, watch the videos and think about what’s going on there. Learn more about their goals and reasons for the actions taken.

And apart from the violence, I’m saluting: the solidarity the greek are able to show each other, their endurance for protesting and for claiming what they believe to be right – real democracy and freedom, a perspective in life and a social state.

But it seems as if some people use the Greek as an excuse to burn police stations even in Germany. That was said by their news report “Tagesschau”.

But first things first.

In Berlin and Hamburg there were attacks against the offices of ministers and secretaries, and the “Bundekanzleramt”, like the office of the german chancellor. Those were only “colour attacks” meaning that balloons or similar things filled with colour were thrown at the walls and windows.

In Hamburg a police station was attacked with molotov cocktails and a few police cars burned down. No one was hurt. That was in the night from saturday to sunday.

Then the news reported that a text was given to a newspaper (Hamburger Morgenpost), where a group calling themselves “Koukoulofori” (which means something like the hooded or masked) claimed responsibility for these attacks and furthermore threatened to repeat the attacks. They legitimate their attacks with the dead of 15-year-old Alex last year and see it as protest against the regime in Greece.

Though the police thinks it is authentic, I prefer being a bit more careful. Who knows how this could be used to impose new regulations and anti-terror laws in every european and other country in this world. Because then it is not only the islamic terrorists, but the left-wing terrorists as well, they have to “protect” us from. There could be a lot more behind it than we now think of. But of course, that’s just conspiracy talk.

But again it is shown how any action any event in this world seems to affect the whole rest of it. How everything that is directed against the system is used by the same system and inverted to take it as a weapon against the people, who try to break free of it.

That’s why I don’t think violence will get us to where we want to go. But when you don’t know where you go, or if you can go – that’s a point of hopelessness, frustration and anger that breaks itself free of any scepticism and rational behaviour.

I don’t justify it, I only think that it’s human and so could happen to every single one of us given the right circumstances…

TINA – who’s that girl?


In some contexts this is more than just a name.

I’m sure you have heard it, too. Maybe not in its shortened version…

TINA means: There Is No Alternative.

This seems to apply to everything these days. From global warming and carbon taxes to war against terror – everything is justified by TINA.

But why is that so?

Let’s take a look at how opinions are made. Yes, opinions are made today, because people not even have the possibility to think for their own. And again: Why?

One point is, that most of the mass media – i.e. TV Stations, Radio stations, newspapers and publishers are mostly part of only one or two companies, representing the same or almost equal interests and lobbies. Let’s take a look at the most obvious example we can think of: Italy.

Mr. Berlusconi owns the private TV and newspaper companies. He started regulations, like fees, that are a disadvantage for public stations, because they are not allowed to present commercials, either. Therefore Berlusconi is able to influence what is being broadcasted and told to the public. That means many things are not said and shown, that of course results in a public opinion that has nothing to do with a big picture or a free and objective formation of opinion. How could it? To be able to think about something you have to know what’s the truth and what’s the lie. Which is impossible when censorship is being imposed on the recipient.

But it not only depends on what is said, but also on what isn’t. Meaning when points that exist and furthermore which could make a huge difference in formating an own opinion are left out you get a wrong picture.

Of course there’s also the alternative to lie publicly and with enough might over the press you can even disguise the biggest lie as breathtaking truth. For example the pictures of Iraqi soldiers kicking babies out of their incubators in the war 1991 against Iraq, and even the witness, who testified in front of the court – these things were not real but staged events manipulating the public opinion. And remember the weapons of mass destruction evidence which was a hoax as well. All staged and invented by the american president and his head of intelligence. That’s how you get people to except that there is TINA.

There is no alternative to war.

There is no alternative to stop the climate change.

There is no alternative to capitalism.

There is no alternative to misinformation.

But that’s not true.

The point is, that this system only works, when the public believes what is told. But were told just a fraction of what really is. There are many tabu about which nobody is talking. Many terms are being changed in their entire meaning.

Once upon a time investigative journalism was a good thing, today it is – or at least seems to be –  equal to treason. This becomes very vivid when you think about the war against terror, where everybody who tried to look at the subject objectively and more or less pragmatically was denunciated as a traitor and unpatriotic.

If you do not believe me (and you should be sceptic with everything what you read and hear) take a look at this documentary: War made easy.

So back to TINA.

There is no alternative because they don’t want us to even think there could be one and I’m more than sure, that there always is an alternative.

We only have to stop building tabu. Wether they are political, social or a question of ideals – start thinking outside the box. Be sceptic and start thinking for yourself. Open your eyes and start being critical.

President Obama’s speech shows the TINA principal in purest and most excellent way, it is dripping from every sentence every word.

The high art of opinion formation – in the last century called propaganda.

So, to look back at the history of mankind, let’s stick to ancient Rome:

A senator suggested to label the slaves with white wristbands, so they could be recognized as slaves. But another senator said: “No, if we did this, they would be able to realize how many they are, which would result in a rebellion.”

And if the romans knew that…

War Promises – Please watch!

Just a short YouTube documentary announcement:

The german filmmakers from NuoViso made a very good documentary called “war promises” which is now available in english as well as in german.

Please watch the documentary. It is not only informative but shows how war is created by different lobbies and politicians to earn money and oil and might. And why war seems to be a bottomless money-making machine!

Here is the link:

Please watch it!

I also want to remind you that the Lisbon Treaty is in effect. Meaning that the EU now has a common foreign policy which is binding for every EU state. Every state has to participate in all actions which could be taken in regards of foreign relations. No matter if we want it or not – it will be done, like the history of the Lisbon Treaty has shown very clearly until now.

The countdown is – well, counting down

Today is a sad day, nevertheless, tomorrow will be even sadder.


Because only two days to go (including today) until the Lisbon Treaty is taking effect.

I meet many people believing in the lies our governments sell us – cold blooded and without even blinking. How is democracy supposed to work, when even in the parliament real democracy has to be searched with a magnifying glass?

I really do not understand those people, who support the Lisbon Treaty without even reading it. Most of the ministers and secretaries, who just wanted to get the Treaty through, do not till this day know what it is all about. Would you buy a car, if you don’t know that is has a motor? Would you buy a house in a swamp which is already sinking?

Well, the governments of europe really couldn’t care less what will happen to all the peoples in europe.

But worst of all: When elected members of the parliament called for a referendum, they were cleared from the room, their banners were taken, as well and it was all hushed up. No word in the daily propaganda called news.

You don’t believe me? Then watch this: MPEs Protest and want a referendum. This is our beloved and adored “democracy”? Who is fooled by that?

And the “head of the european superstate” van Rompuy and his colleague “what’s-her-name” Ashton? Did you vote for her or him? Ever heard of them before? Maybe you just didn’t listen closely enough!?

Oh, I forgot, they weren’t elected!! They were selected!!

Ah, the foul smell of lies and money!

I want to point out that there is a very good channel on YouTube, called europarl which shows debates from the EU parliament. You will be surprised what is going on behind the stage. More fascinating than this is, why we never hear or see anything about those debates on TV, read about them in the newspapers, when we are all members of the same centralized state and therefore not only have the RIGHT but the DUTY to be informed!

If the media does not do their job we have to take action and inform ourselves.

You want to know what happens to people in the EU Parliament speaking honestly about their opinion? You want to know how democratic our (powerless) parliament is? Do you want to know what happens to those, speaking openly about the lack of democracy in the EU?

Then watch this for a start.

I really recommend watching the videos on this channel. Get yourself informed for christ’s sake! Too many people believe the lies washing over us day by day staged by those benefiting from these very actions.

Your first question should always be: Cui bono? (Who benefits from it?)

Beginning there you should be able to find out what a big scam this kind of artificial, economic EU is and will be.

A democracy shouldn’t forbid people having a different opinion, that’s what a democracy is all about! Everybody, every part of a democracy small as it may be has the right to speak out and express their opinion!

Not so in the EU!

When you’re not with them, you are against them, meaning you should leave the EU. This is outrageous and should be IMPOSSIBLE in a democratic state which the EU always states it is. But, sorry I have to say that, wasn’t it the same with Mussolini, Lenin or Hitler or Hussein or Kim Jong Il? Or is it just that the same words mean different things today? Does democracy mean centralization? Does freedom of speech mean just say what is conform with the majority?

I don’t think so!

A big thanks from me to europarl and to Nigel Farage who’s got the guts to talk about the unbearable state of  “democracy”, about how our heads of state are selected rather than elected and what connections exist between certain groups and our “independent parliament” like Mario Borghezio did, too. Even Vaclav Klaus had some very good points.

Freedom, peace and wealth for everybody in the EU?

What a laugh!

(humming Chopin’s Funeral March while burying european democracy before it got started)

UPDATE 11/24/2009: You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t stop hackers when they’re about to strike!

What is there left to say?

Somehow the truth about the climate change and all the “studies” was finally exposed. Not voluntarily, of course! But what hackers are able to do was shown this weekend (leading to great displeasure of those responsible).

The pressure grew so hard on the mass media, that even they had to report about it. TV  news still don’t.

For everyone who doesn’t know what the hell I’m talking about is invited to take a look at the Alleged CRU Emails search and could even take a look at Steve McIntyre’s blog. But you can even find articles about what was going on this weekend in regard of climate change and all the lies presented to us here, there or google it. Or look at: New York Times, The Washington Post, Times Online or BBC News.

Especially after the new and breath-taking ideas of the british government to impose a carbon tax for ‘the man on the Clapham bus’ this is outraging news. Even though many people were sceptical about what was called climate change and the responsibility of mankind for it, what came to light shows what the real agenda is and should raise more scepticism. It has nothing to do with science or with the clarification of facts regarding pollution and so on, but to confirm the steps taken and which will be taken in the future to undermine the freedom of the people and of choice.

They are not interested in the poor and suffering, don’t want to help building a “better future” or a world of justice. All they do is lying to us and thus influencing the public to their advantage, infiltrating the media, politics, economy and every part of our lives.

This was shown very clearly when the one and only EU president was chosen, who attended a Bilderberg meeting very shortly before the ‘election’, like the italian MEP  Mario Borghezio pointed out. But still Herman Van Rompuy and his colleague Catherine Ashton are now heads of the EU.

It remains to be seen what is going to happen. Well, it seems to have started out alright, because first of all the EU voted for genetically engineered corn on the european market and I’m sure it will go on like that or worse, which is always a possibility all of us surely are looking forward to…

And please, read my other post ‘They promised mediterranean climate’ for more thoughts and information on climate change.

UPDATE 11/24/2009:

I have a few thoughts to add, today. I just remembered that the “evidence’ for climate change consisted of 22 pages. I’m sorry to tell that, but I don’t believe that 22 pages provide enough space to explain and /or demonstrate the world’s condition regarding temperature and climate change. I myself wrote longer essays in university about far more uncomplicated, less valuable topics and they say they – IPCC – can put the ‘history of climate change and the world biggest climate catastrophy’ onto 22 pages. Everybody should realize that this campaign is a big fat lie, at last!

Ah yes, and thanks dear hackers!!

Where there’s smoke…

I had myself a little experiment. It mostly consisted of watching the news and waiting, which was, to be honest, very productive.

That’s because it was very easy to follow the mode of operation media obeys to.

In the beginning of november I heard in the news that an oil platform near Darwin (Australia) caught fire, which is neither something special nor something people would be outraged about. But what was the interesting and quite annoying part was, that this platform had leaked till the end of august without even a word about it being published.

In my opinion it is not nothing when (and I quote): ‘around 400 barrels of oil and gas a day since August 21’ (or 64.000 liters per day) have been leaking into the ocean and therefore swept thousands of dead fish onto the coast of Indonesia. Not to talk about the rest of the ecological balance and so on.

But the most interesting thing is, that – unlike the oil – not a word leaked till the beginning of november and then nothing was heard evermore until the media proudly announced that they finally were able to extinguish the fire. Hurrah! Then again nothing more.

So it seems to be quite simple to hold back information, that would be of interest to the public.

And if you try to see the fact, that this principle works with everything you can imagine (and with the things you can’t imagine as well), then you should get slowly but surely to a point, where there is a decision to be made: believe or deny.

Many people choose denial, because it is a lot easier than realizing what is going on on this sphere, but it also takes away the chance to change something and to wake up.

So, who knows what is going on behind the scenes.

(Little hint to my chem-trail post and today’s update…)

Another very popular, but rather old example, is Chernobyl, where the public was not informed until four days after the fallout had happened. (That I know only because I have friends who are in ‘the old boys network’ and therefore knew it four days prior everybody else…)

So, isn’t that evidence, that things like the suppression of information are possible; that propaganda is  possible especially in our modern times; that informations are being altered with and/or filtered?

Yes, it is mate!

That’s why you better ask questions and don’t automatically stick to the official story. That’s why you better not put up with everything you hear but try to research it on your own. Maybe the picture you will get is not as simple as in the media, but maybe it’ll uncover the truth to a bigger extent than anything you heard, saw and read till then.

It’s worth a try, isn’t it!

Coming up next: Swine flu propaganda and where it wants to lead us to.

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